Battle options such as God Mode, Infinite Arrows, Max Army Morale won’t work properly when you have alliance army on your side.Ģ021.03.12: Update for v1.7.0 game version.Ģ020.09.05: Update for v1.6.0 game version.Ģ020.04.02: Update for v1.5.1 game version.Ģ020.03.20: Update for v1.5.0 game version.Ģ020.02.03: Update for v1.4.1 game version.
“Gold Multiplier” only works for gold income every turn.
“Infinite Character Exp”, “Infinite Character Skill Points”, and “Reset Skill Points” take effects when opening character panel and work for that specific character.
When “Max Town Population” and “Max Town Reserves” are activated, select a town to set max population/reserves, will also affect its villages and sub-locations.
“Max Public Order” take effects when you click at a city, that city will have maxed public order.
If you want easy win, use “Drain AI Factions Army Size” before entering battle.
“Infinite Army Movement”, “Restore Army Size To Max”, “AI Factions Can’t Move”, and “Drain AI Factions Army Size” won’t work if you’re in battle.
Also you can use this as Emulator to Play the games are downloaded by yourself.Ctrl+Num 4 – Max Faction Specialisation (credibility, unity, heroism, intimidation, etc).
Just Click the Play button and Install the Emulator Plugin to Play.
Preset some hot games on the list is for you.
You can use this App to play your favorite Retro Games.